Site44 Blog

Custom 404 (Page Not Found) Pages

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One useful feature of Site44 is the ability it provides you to control the page that your visitors will see if they browse to a page that does not exist. Rather than just giving a generic message on a generic background—typical of many websites—you can specify the exact webpage that you would like delivered to visitors of non-existent pages.

When a visitor attempts to access a non-existent file, Site44 will serve the file “404.html” that exists in the top-level folder for that domain. (The file would be Dropbox/Apps/site44/<domain-name>/404.html.)

What should go in that 404.html page? As is true with so much of the web, there’s been no shortage of thoughts written on this topic. Here are a few links for you to consider when creating your own 404 page:

I hope you find those useful in designing your custom 404 page for your Site44-hosted websites.
